Your name is Princess Auctobrella Milifica Destarthelien XII of the Fae Kingdom Autlia.
That title is mostly meaningless now that you live in a society without monarchy or class, but it is your legal name. You are a sparkly fairy of unknown gender.
Right now, you need dinner. What will you have?
[[Toadstool Soup]]
[[Grilled Cheese]]
[[Dragon Korma]]
Mmm. Toadstool soup. A hearty dish. You open your cabinet to gather the ingredients, and realize that you're out of toadstools! Oh no!
What do you do?
[[Make something else.]]
[[Go to the store.]]A nice basic grilled cheese. It tastes like childhood. It is nourishing to your body. Life is good. Mmm... dragon korma... The spicy meat of dragon calls you.
Of course, you could always [[make it yourself, ]]or, you could [[flirt with the cute ghoul who is always loitering outside the takeout place (Note: Nonromantic options available)]]You dig through your freezer, digging out some frozen dragon meat, as well as all the other ingredients you need. You take care to get it right, because you deserve delicious food.
Once its finished, you plate it over some rice. Delicious.
What will you do while you eat?
[[Watch a show]]
[[Call your friends]]You think tonight you'll go get takeout. And perhaps flirt. Flirting is fun.
But first, you have to get ready! Time to dig through your closet.
You could wear a [[red dress]], or you could wear [[blue jeans and a shirt with a funny cape]]This was a good choice! Time to [[go out]].This was a good choice! Time to [[go out]].You head out, taking the flying bus to the takeout place. As usual, the ghoul is standing outside of the establishment in her leather jacket and artfully distressed plaid skirt. Her hair is a mess. Not the good kind, but you don't mind. That's just who she is. You wouldn't change her for the world.
She sees you and smiles with her rotting teeth.
[[Smile back politely and get your korma]]
[[Stop and flirt]]
You're on a mission for korma. Dinner time! Yummy.
''Fin.''What will you watch?
[[Cottage MD]]
[[Great Mundane Midafternoon]]
[[The Avian Home]]You hop on Unwire with your friends, eating your dinner and having a good time. Life is good. You are happy. The future is bright.
''Fin.''You watch some Cottage MD. Dr. Garth Cottage and Dr. Jackal Wilesonne definitely desire each other carnally.
''Fin.''You watch some Great Mundane Midafternoon. The hosts, a sasquatch and a nervous elf, play games. They make you laugh. A cozy night in.
''Fin.''You watch some Avian House. It's a kickass cartoon.
''Fin.''[[Dragon Korma]]
[[Grilled Cheese]] Well, you're not going to let something as simple as missing an ingredient stop you! To the supermarket you go!
You take the bus to the supermarket and make a beeline for the toadstools. Prize in hand, you consider where to go from here. The [[bargain bin]] always has some interesting finds. You could get yourself some [[dessert]]. Or maybe a fun [[beverage]]. Of course, you can always just [[check out]] with your goods. Todays bargains are some wishflower honey, some cursed seaweed, and some day old bread. Grab what you'd like.
[[Move on]]You could get some ice cream, or fairy dust flavored turkish delight. Get what you'd like.
[[Move on]] You could get some bottled siren's tears (ethically sourced), some fizzy rose soda, or some lava lamp bubble tea, where the boba floats up and down like a lava lamp! Get what you'd like. [[Move on]]You check out with your purchases and head home. Dinner is saved! Yummy soup.
''Fin.''[[bargain bin]]
[[check out]] The ghould raises her eyebrows with a smirk.
(text-colour:#c45c00)["Oh really? Well, that's sweet. Think those clothes might look better on my floor though."]
[["I agree."]]
[["Maybe another night. I'm a dragon korma mission."]](text-colour:#c45c00)["Dressing for yourself. Always a good choice. You doing anything tonight?]
[["I'm free."]]
[["Eating Dragon Korma."|"Eating Dragon Korma"]](text-colour:#c45c00)["Maybe I can occupy your night."]
[["Sure."|"I agree."]]She cackles brightly. (text-colour:#c45c00)["I can respect that. Want me to join to you?"]
[["I'd love that."]]
[["Maybe next time."]]She grins. She takes you home. Her touch is cold. Her loving hungry. It's great. You love life.
''Fin.''She laughs. (text-colour:#c45c00)["I can dig it. Heres my number in case you change your mind."] She scribbles her number down on a piece of paper and hands it to you. You take it and go get your korma. Dinner calls.
''Fin.''She smiles. You get dinner together. She's got quite an appetite. She's sweet and funny. It's nice. Life is good.
''Fin.''(text-colour:#c45c00)["No worries. You know where to find me."]
Time to go get dinner. Yum.
''Fin.''"Hey there." You pause your walking to talk to the ghoul.
(text-colour:#c45c00)["Hey there. you look good tonight. Dressing up for anyone?"]
[["Yeah, for you."]]
[["No one in particular."|"No one in particular.]]