(set: num-type $sticks to 0)
(set: $raft to False)
(set: num-type $sanddollars to 0)
(set: $disc to false)
(set: $sail to false)
(set: $rose to false)
You are a llama in a strange land. You would like to get home to your llama wife and llama life, but you have to find a way home first. you have been away from home for a very long time.
To your left, a [[beach]]. The waves sound more musical than the ones you know. To your right, a [[forest]]. The trees are majestic. A beautiful emerald green ocean lies in your path. The sand is mauve, and is dotted with small white discs.
(if: $raft is true)[Maybe you could [[use your raft]] here.]
[[Examine discs]]
(if: $disc is true)[[Pick up disc]]
[[Return to where you started]]Giant blue trees tower above you. Birds caw in the distance. Sticks and debris little the floor. You could swear you hear someone calling out to you.
[[Pick up stick]]
[[Follow the noise]]
[[Return to where you started]] Finally, the moment has arrived. You are like Oddyseus, if he was a llamma. But you're a llama, so you have no idea who that is.
You sail into the emerald sea, using only your keen sense of llamma direction to find your way back [[home]].(set: $disc to true)
A small white disc. It has bumps on it.
[[Pick up disc]]
(set: $sanddollars to it + 1)
You pick up one of the discs. Maybe it will come in handy.
[[Pick up another disc ->Pick up disc]]
[[beach]] To your left, a [[beach]]. The waves sound more musical than the ones you know. To your right, a [[forest]]. The trees are majestic.
(if: $sticks >= 7 and $sail is true)[You think you have eveything you need to [[build your raft]]]
(else-if: $sticks < 7)[You might need some more sticks for this raft]
(else-if: $sail is false)[You need a sail to make this raft work.](set: $raft to true)
You spend some time building your raft, making sure it is seaworthy. After an indeterminable amount of time, you are satisfied that the raft is seaworthy.
[[Take your raft to the beach ->beach]](set: $sticks to it + 1)
You pick a stick up off the ground. Why do you do this, you don't know, but it feels important.
[[Pick up anther stick ->Pick up stick]]
[[forest]] You follow the sound until you find a small orange monkey.
"Hey buddy," he says, gesturing to a table of assorted items, "if you have coin, I have wares."
(if: $sanddollars >= 5 and $rose is false)[Buy a [[rose]]]
(else-if: $sanddollars < 5)[You can't afford the rose. It costs 5 discs.]
(else-if: $rose is true)[You've already bought a rose.]
(if: $sanddollars >=10 and $sail is false)[Buy a [[sail]]]
(else-if: $sanddollars < 10)[You can't afford the sail. It costs 10 discs]
(else-if: $sail is true)[You've already bought the sail]
[[Return to the forest ->forest]] (set: $rose to true)
(set: $sanddollars to it - 5)
You buy a lovely multicolored rose. You think your wife might like this very much.
[[Return ->Follow the noise]] (set: $sail to true)
(set: $sanddollars to it - 10)
You buy a strudy cloth sail. This may very well be your ticket out of here.
[[Return ->Follow the noise]] On the shore, your llama wife waits. Your journey is over. Your raft hits the beach, and you gallop towards your lady llama love. (if: $rose is true)[You give her the rose you purchased for her along your travels, a souvenir and proof that yu were thinking of her duing your arduous journey.] You are home. You are a happy llama.