You are a young pigeon. You live in a massive flock near Lincoln Square in Chicago. Your hobbies include blacking out the sky with your flock, daydreaming about riding a skateboard, and hanging out at transit stations.
Today, none of that matters. Today, you are a bird on a quest. You are embarking on your avian oddyssey. You are a pigeon on a mission. A sacred mission, that many pigeons have tried and failed before you.
Today, you are going to befriend a human.
[[Look for humans to befriend.]]Luckily for you, there are several humans around. This part of city is bustling today, because its such a nice day!
A woman is sitting on a bench, watching the day go by. She has a bag of brightly colored string that she is weaving together with long, shiny sticks. Perhaps some sort of nest! Maybe she will make you a nest if you [[befriend the woman.]]
A tall human has skateboard that they are using to move in circles around the large metal human that stands eternal watch over the busy marketplace. You have always wanted to ride a skateboard. Maybe you will finally fulfill that lifeling dream if you [[befriend the tall person.]]
Another woman is walking down the busy sidewalks, wearing dark, neat clothes and talking into some sort of rectangle device. She looks busy... but maybe the power of bird friendship will maker her slow down for a second! [[Befriend the busy woman.]]You fly down, landing in front of the woman and cooing. She looks down at you and smiles, taking some seeds out of her pocket and scattering them in front of you. A snack! What a good friend already! You eat the seeds and hop up onto the bench next to her.
"Hello dear," she says in her strange human tongue that does not coo, "aren't you a friendly bird?"
You coo affirmatiavely. You are a friendly bird! A friendly bird whos here to make friends!
"Pigeons used to be everyones fends, you know, you were very important birds, once." She signhs wistfully, finishing her weaving. Its... some sort of wearable, colorful nest? She puts it on you, soft cloth slipping over your wins and wrapping around your body. You are now a pigeon with a sweater *and* a friend.
You fly down, landing near the tall person. They skate past you on their cool skateboard. It seems they have not noticed you yet! No matter. You are a pigeon of perserverance and courage. You shall do something.
[[Fly around after them.]]
[[Hop onto the front of the skateboard.]]You fly towards the busy woman.
She does not seem to like you, shouting to "Get away, sky rat!"
[[Look somewhere else|Look for humans to befriend.]]Well, if this person is going to keep moving around in circles, you suppose you shall too! You begin following them, flying around in circles after them. This, unfortunately, seems to upset them, and they skate away rather quickly!
[[Go back to looking|Look for humans to befriend.]]This is it. This is what your meagre bird life has been leading up to all this time. You wait a little bit, making sure you get the timinig right, before hopping onto the front of the skateboard.
The human doesn't notice you at first, but eventually they do, stopping the skateboard, much to your dismay. You coo at them indignantly, but then remember that you're actually trying to befriend them and coo slightly more politely.
The human looks at you bewilderd for a moment, before pushing forward on the skateboard once more. You coo excitedly.
Then they stop again, which is dissapointing, but they take off their bag and pull out... a much smaller skateboard! The put it on the ground and you hop onto it, testing the movement by flapping your wings slightly. This is perfect!
You made a new friend, AND fulfilled your lifelong dream! This is awesome!
[[Fin.]]Thanks for playing this short little game! Heres some pictures of pigeons I took.
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<img src="" width="500">You are one persistent pigeon! Eventually, she gives up, letting you land on her shoulder. You stay there as she enters the transit station, and as she boards the train. She mostly pays you no mind, letting you sit on her shoulder as she browses her rectangle.
Eventually, she gets off the train, walking into one of the many large structures the humans seem to love.
"You've got a bird on your shoulder." Another human calls out to your new friend.
"I know," she says, "he wouldn't leave me alone until I let him sit here, and he hasn't left. He even rode the brown line all the way here with me."
You spend a day at work with your new friend, curling up in a nest full of colorful metal spirals happily as she does things on a bigger rectangle. Yay for new friends!